May The Moon Never Go Out

As the night rises, and the day sets,
The silence that emerges is especially favorable to the sound of envy: desire, having, being-as much, if not more, than…
Jealousy, indignation in front of situations where we feel wronged,
what we should have had, what we should have been,
and the feverish bitterness in front of the audience filled with those who have, who are, all that.

When the moon illuminates this wave of bitterness, it immediately deflates.
If we manage not to take our eyes off it, it joins and melts into night ripples, and leaves a yellowish foam on the surface of the psychic ocean: a foam of suffering.

In these useless swirls, it is so easy to get lost and without realizing it, to give birth to the next wave of jealousy, indignation in the face of injustice on the horizon,

May the Moon never go out.

©FJ April 2022
Groupe de Pratique

Many thanks to all

5 commentaires

    1. Aren’t you buddhifying with time, Simon ?

      I’m joking.
      Buddhists don’t have the monopoly on the illusion market


      1. mmmh…debuddhification is a complicated thing.
        Especially if we consider inextricable feature of our Buddha Nature.

        In the same way, can one be de-Spiritized ?
        Can you prevent love coming from the wise ?
        refusing, blocking it out is an option,
        But refusing is not on our end.

        Aimé par 1 personne

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