Sowing in the opening

« Zazen, if you don’t want it, you need it. »
Envy from the superficial strata of consciousness,
The need – here, of fulfillment and harmony, is not the domain of envy.

When craving governs, the ability to connect it to basic (substantive) needs
cannot activate.

Then it takes a “trick of fate”, phenomenal expression, or a “happy coincidence” (Huang Po)

or an exterior light brings the nature of the cravings and discharges some of their potential, of bewilderment.

This, too, is a happy coincidence between the outer agent and a sudden prospect of the being of envy, the result of a sudden window of maturity, of partial alignment.

The art of the master is to sow in the opening.

Franck Nov 2022
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3 commentaires

  1. Precisely.
    And this wanting is the exact reason why you actually need it,
    As well as evidence you do not need it : meaning you already have it.
    It is expressing itself within you at the moment you want it.
    Practice is then a simple welcoming offers to the expression of what you already have.

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